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Galloway Creek Advisory Board

All decisions of the Galloway Creek Advisory Board shall be subject to City Administrator or City Council approval. The Galloway Creek Advisory Board shall also be responsible for the following including, but not limited to, business relating directly to the Galloway Creek Nature Park:

a) Have regular monthly meetings.
b) Carry out the goals and objectives of Phase I of the Grant Application approved in 2003.
c) Develop a long-term development plan for the Park that would possibly include Phase II of the Grant Application approved in 2003.
d) Develop operational policies for City Council to consider.
e) Grant permission to individuals or groups to use the Park using the regular insurance and safety guidelines of the City.
f) Settle citizen disputes.

Members Exp/Date Term Address Home Phone Work Phone Fax or E-mail
Smith, Gerald  May-15 2 Yrs Mo. Conservation Office
P.O. Box 138
Smith, Brenda May-16 3 Yrs 702 Shuttee 256-0873   mailto:ozarker73@gmail.com
Courtney, Trent May-15 2 Yrs 1910 Holiday Lane  256-7170 rightofway@westplains.net  
Niemotka, Amanda May-14  1 Yrs    
Bates, Jack May-14 1 Yrs Air Evac    
Malkowski, Brenda  May-14 3 Yrs MSU 128 Garfield 255-7966  
May-17 3 Yrs