Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority

The Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority was created by the City to improve neighborhoods and boost property values through urban redevelopment. This authority was originally authorized by ordinance in 1974 and during the 1970s it worked to clear and rebuild several of the most blighted residential neighborhoods in the city. At this time the City of West Plains is creating new strategic and comprehensive plans. The City Council decided that as part of the plans' implementation that a re-activated LCRA would be able to facilitate renewal of neighborhoods as it had in the past. In June 2001 the Council appointed five members of the TIF commission to serve as the new Board of Commissioners.
The powers of the authority are broad and are set by the State. These include acquiring property through eminent domain; making real improvements to land; lending, borrowing, investing and accepting money; issuing bonds; proposing urban renewal and redevelopment plans; exemption from sales tax and other powers given by Missouri Revised Statutes.

All powers are exercised as part of a redevelopment plan created by the authority.

For additional information about the LCRA, please contact City Administrator Royce Fugate at city hall.  LCRA Latest Agenda

Members Exp/Date Term Address Home Phone Work Phone Fax or E-mail
Padgett, Jay
Jul-17 4 Yrs P. O. Box 529 256-6617 257-0740
Fletcher, Warren Jul-15 4 Yrs 513 W. Stonehaven 256-6811
Childers, Paul
Jul-14 4 Yrs 2607 Lee Anna Drive 256-0792 293-3490
Hutchings, Bill Jul-14 4 Yrs 1222 Missouri Ave., Suite 2 256-8085 256-2173
Basom, Mark Jul-17 4 Yrs P.O. Box 1769 255-1628